IST IST / The Bodega / Nottingham

IST IST / The Bodega / Nottingham

So, this is a show I’ve been looking forward to for some time. IST IST are a Manchester based post-punk band consisting of Adam Houghton (Guitar and vocals) Joel Kay (Drums) Andy Keating (Bass) Mat Peters (Guitar and keyboards). We’ve reviewed both of their albums, 202’s “Architecture” which we gave 5/5 and 2021’s “The Art of Lying” which scored 9.5/10

The band have a strong DIY work ethic and have built a strong following through word of mouth, and self-released singles and Eps. They really have been masters of their own destiny and have won over admirers from across the world and fans including Steve Lamacq and Tom Robinson on BBC Radio 6. Indeed, this week the band have entered the top 100 album chart at 87th with “The Art of Lying” an incredible achievement for a DIY band.

Playing a style of dark post-punk, almost post-apocalyptical music, driven by loud and dirty bass and layered synth tones, led by Adam’s wonderful baritone vocals, it is a style unlike anything else, and as our reviews have shown) very very good.

I’ve been wanting to see IST IST for some time and hoped the vinyl experience would convert to a live setting equally well.

Arriving late for this one because of another show earlier at Rescue Rooms, the band were into their opening track Wolves when I arrived. I have to apologise to the support band I Am Lono. I hate missing a support act and I did tonight, travelling across town from another show. By the time I arrived at The Bodega it was crammed full and must have been close to a sell out as I battled my way towards the front to grab some shots for the review. The set comprised of all the tracks (except Don’t Go Gentle) from their recent album “The Art of Lying”, with a mix of great tracks from 2020’s Architecture, and a couple of earlier tracks from 2019’s EP “Sessions”.

Highlights of the night for me included Discipline and Black from “Architecture” two of my favourites from that album. Discipline is dark and moody whereas Black has some fantastic guitar sections and a brilliantly simple, but great to song along to chorus. But the new material was just as good. Middle Distance is a fantastic track about alienation, I loved the slow simple vocal introduction with bass rhythm beneath, a welcome change in pace. Perhaps my favourite track on the new album Listening Through The Walls works brilliantly live, with more emphasis on synth sounds it is slow and dark, washing over you delicate lyrics like “forgive me I know not what I do, as all I’ve ever wanted was to be more like you”.

Watching You Watching Me wouldn’t be out of place on the earlier album “Architecture” with excellent rhythm provided by Andy (bass) and Joel (drums). Another new track that works so well live is Extreme Greed which is an absolutely belter and really gets you engaged.     

So, are IST IST as good live as they are on vinyl ? The simple answer to that is a resounding “Oh God YES”. How many times have you heard a band, but then been disappointed with the live sound ? Well, not here. IST IST deliver brilliantly on their vinyl promise. They can be loud with heavy bass tones and furious guitar riffs one moment, and then slow and mellow the next with synth  tones that draft over you like waves. I don’t rate shows but this would be up there as a 10/10.

IST IST really are a band to keep an eye on, and if you get a chance to hear them live, grab it !

Set List

Wolves (Architecture 2020)

You're Mine (Architecture 2020)

Fat Cats Drown in Milk (The Art of Lying 2021)

Watching You Watching Me (The Art of Lying 2021)

Middle Distance (The Art of Lying 2021)

Night's Arm (Architecture 2020)

Discipline (Architecture 2020)

Preacher's Warning (Sessions 2019)

I'm Not Here (Sessions 2019)

Extreme Greed (The Art of Lying 2021)

If It Tastes Like Wine (The Art of Lying 2021)

The Waves (The Art of Lying 2021)

Listening Through the Walls (The Art of Lying 2021)

It Stops When It Starts (The Art of Lying 2021)

Heads on Spikes (The Art of Lying 2021)

Black (Architecture 2020)

Slowly We Escape (Architecture 2020)

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