All live show photographs on the LiveWire Music website, or social media pages (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) are the copyright of LiveWire Music. No images may be downloaded, reproduced or used without the express written consent of LiveWire Music. If you wish to use one of our images, please get in touch via the Contacts page in the first instance.
All live show photographs on the LiveWire Music website, are obtained by our photographers on assignment at the venues, with the consent of the promoter/artist. We reserve the right to publish images as deemed appropriate. If there is a specific strong reason why a particular image should be withdrawn (such as safeguarding) then please contact us via the Contacts page and we will consider the request.
All LiveWire Music reviews are copyright of LiveWire Music and its contributing writers. Reviews may not be copied and reproduced without the express written consent of LiveWire Music. If you would like to use any of our reviews, please get in touch first to discuss your requirements.
All promotional photographs and images used on LiveWire Music are provided by the bands or PR agents. They remain the copyright of the band/individual/promoter and are reproduced here with permission.