Stuart Landon & the Angels with Dirty Faces  / The Bodega / Nottingham

Stuart Landon & the Angels with Dirty Faces / The Bodega / Nottingham

Stuart Landon & the Angels with Dirty Faces launch their new single at The Bodega

Following the hugely successfully launch of his single in early February ‘I Sinned’ Stuart Landon, along with his band the Angels with Dirty Faces launched a new single today ‘Beautiful Mess’.

To launch the new single, Stuart and the boys headlined last night at The Bodega in Nottingham with an excellent lineup. Unfortunately the current world situation with the COVID-19 virus had an effect on the turnout, but those that came out, were treated to a brilliant performance. Along with the last single ‘I Sinned’ the band performed all the fans favourites including ‘Breaking Down’, ‘I Leaned On’, ‘Shatter Like Glass’ and the wonderful ‘PS I Loved You’. They also did a brilliant version of the Johnny Cash classic ‘Folsum Prison Blues’.

The night was rounded off with a performance of the excellent new track ‘Beautiful Mess’ A great night to brighten the spirit in these difficult days.

The new single is out now and available to buy here:

iTunes -


Support was provided by two excellent new bands. First up, we had the talented singer and songwriter George Alexander. Great voice and a witting lyrical style, a very enjoyable set. The we had The Sundown Boys, a Lincoln based trio playing early rockabilly. Only their second live show, but excellent. Great guitar work and strong vocals, underpinned by great standing bass rhythms.

Both acts complimented the Angels brilliantly, and made for a great show.

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