Destroy Boys / Rescue Rooms / Nottingham

Destroy Boys / Rescue Rooms / Nottingham

A short trip into Nottingham tonight and back to the Rescue Rooms for the first time in what feels like ages, for the visit of US punk band Destroy Boys. Immediately we feel right at home with the ever friendly staff. We’re excited to see Destroy Boys, but also for tonights support – Girlband!

A local band that have been making waves on the Nottingham music scene for a while, but are starting to turn heads on the national stage as well. The place is packed right from the start with is unusual, but it isn’t long before we work out exactly why. The all female three piece take to the stage and the energy just explodes.

Girlband! Have a real stage presence, and seem really at ease with the audience. The sound has some elements of the like of Dream Wife and CLT DRP, which suits me fine, and the songs have a similar vibe, lyrics about being yourself and accepting your uniqueness, and finding your unique place in this mad world. There’s also a politic / protest element to the songs.

With Georgie on vocals and guitar, and Kay on bass and Jada on drums, its clear they have developed a real close understanding, and the performance is spot on, it’s skilfull and full of energy and exuberance. At one point Jada goes on a fast paced energetic drum solo (which was very good) and has to cope with Georgie leaning on her and trying to push her over, both laughing hysterically.

The vocals are slick, the playing is well balanced and skilful, and perhaps most of all….. Girlband! Just ooze fun, and joy. Engaging with the crowd both verbally and musically the atmosphere is fantastic.

I can see why they are such a hit locally, and on tonight’s wonderful performance, I really hope they can make the leap to winder acclaim.

Being so full from the start, the temperature is already starting to rise. Its getting warm and uncomfortable. I shouldn’t complain, it clearly shows what a good night its been so far. A short break for the bar and we’re ready for the headliners Destroy Boys. Formed in Sacramento, California, back in 2015 by Alexia Roditis (guitar & vocals) and Violet Mayugba (guitar) now joined by Narsai Malik (drums) and David Orozco (bass).

Described as post-punk, or garage punk, they have a unique sound and they cite a wide range of influences from the Misfits, Dog Party, Deftones and The police ! To date they have released four studio albums; “Sorry, Mom” (2016), “Make Room” (2018), “Open Mouth, Open Heart” (2021) and their latest, 2024’s “Funeral Soundtrack #4”.

Before the set starts, the band have invited a small group from a local anti-racism group onto the stage to talk, explaining about their recent work in this city, pushing back against the rise in the far right. In particular their work to protect those working in the immigration system who have been targets, raising counter protests which have been hugely successful. The group get a rousing reception from the crowd. Kudos Destroy Boys !

Destroy Boys are something special. It’s clear the songs are very personal, and cover some serious topics, and they use their music as an outlet for their own experiences, both personal and within the music industry, such as the hard hitting For What. Throughout the night, there is a focus on the experiences of women, but they generate a wonderful environment and a sense of a inclusivity and belonging.

As a figurehead, lead singer Alexia Roditis puts on a brilliant energetic show from the moment she took her spot on stage and didn’t let up.  She lets her voice be heard, her opinions be known, and she does this whilst being thoroughly entertaining.  Bassist David Orozco is a great character on stage as well, moving round the side of the stage freely busting out some fantastic heavy beats.

The set comprises bangin’ tune after bangin’ tune, but highlights for me were Should’ve Been Me, and the aforementioned For What. Energetic and engaging the set flies by in an instant. Perhaps the best is left to the end, as the encore includes a wonderful version of The Clash classic hit Should I Stay or Should I Go which has everyone in the packed out venue shouting and dancing along enthusiastically, before we end on my favourite Destroy Boys (and the brilliantly titled) I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation. A brilliant track, and it reminds me so much of the style of CLT DRP. A great way to end the night.

Wow….. what a night. It actually felt like a co-headline show with two female led bands both on incredible form. If you want great music and an energetic night out, don’t pass on Destroy Boys when they come your way next time.


Shadow (I'm Breaking Down)


Beg for the Torture





For What

Should've Been Me


Te llevo conmigo

Locker Room Bully



Piedmont (Alexia Solo)

Should I Stay or Should I Go (The Clash cover)

I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation

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