Clutch / Rock City / Nottingham

Clutch / Rock City / Nottingham

As we close in on the festive season, there’s just a couple of shows left in 2022. First up tonight we headed down to our old favourite haunt Rock City. With the car suggesting it was -3 outside I was looking forward to a sell out crowd to warm me up. And what a way to end our visits to Rock City, with legendary US rockers Clutch in town, along with Green Lung and Tigercub. This had the feeling of being an epic night.

First up we had Tigercub, a three-piece from Brighton consisting of Jamie Hall (vocals & guitar), Jimi Wheelwright (bass) and James Allix (drums). Tigercub have already released three EPs, and two albums “Abstract Figures in the Dark” in 2016 and then “As Blue as Indigo” in 2021.

As often is the case, despite being only a three-piece, the band and tightly lined up along the front of the Rock City stage, but does mean we can see the drummer better ! They launch into their set and first up is Favourite Song followed by Sleepwalker which is from the 2021 album “As Blue as Indigo”. Their sound had a variety to it sometimes a heavier grunge feel to it, with lots of fuzz on the guitars sometimes more laid back Indy rock licks.

I really enjoyed Memory Boy from their 2016 debut “Abstract Figures in the Dark” with a great drum track from Allix mixing well with a heavy bass beat from Jimi. The sound is intense and heavy.

The heavy tone continues with the bands most recent haunting single The Perfume of Decay, before we get a real powerhouse track in Stop Beating On My Heart (Like a Bass Drum).

We end the set on Beauty another track laden with riffs with a great solo as well. The crowd are cheering and bouncing along. A great introduction to the night.


Favourite Song


Blue Mist in My Head

Memory Boy

The Perfume of Decay

Stop Beating on My Heart


Now, I’m very excited for this. Yes of course we’re here for the mighty Clutch, but I’ve wanted to see Green Lung for a long time, having missed their previous show at Rough Trade earlier in 2022.

What are Green Lung ? Well it’s pagan rock/metal, heavily influenced by occult and pagan themes with British folklore, myths and legends sprinkled in for good measure. Consisting of Tom Templar (vocals), Scott Black (guitar), Matt Wiseman (drums), Joseph Ghast (bass) and John Wright (keyboards) they released their debut album “Woodland Rites” in 2019. The first time I heard their debut album, it took me right back to the early 70’s Black Sabbath and Hawkwind. They followed this up with the equally impressive 2021’s “Black Harvest”.

As the lights dim, the folk music rings out as the band head out onto the stage and Tom greets the assembled crowd. There’s a good few in already for this, and good job too. They dive straight into the title frack of their 2019 debut Woodland Rites and I’m right back there, feeling the Sabbath vibes. What impresses right from the off, is the tonal quality. The sound produced live clear and precise and replicating the recorded material immaculately.

Tom hardly stands still for a moment, walking round the stage, posing with his foot on the monitors as he belts out the vocals. The mix is fantastic with Matt’s drumming being matched beautifully by Joseph’s bass beats, and layered with the soft tones from John’s keys. We head to 2021’s “Black Harvest” next for Leaders of the Blind with it’s rich and layered sound and a great solo from Scott Black. An outstanding guitarist he blasts out some impressive solos throughout the set with apparent ease.

Next up is one of my favourite tracks from “Woodland Rites” in The Ritual Tree. As the name implies this one has a darker tone to it and laden with ritual overtones and influences. It’s heavy, and the delivery is outstanding, really dragging you into the story. The crowd are loving it now.

Next up is Old Gods from “Black Harvest” and this one has a different feel to it, not as heavy, with a delicate interlacing between keyboards and guitar to provide the melody. Ever present over the top are Tom’s vocals which weave between the notes almost binding everything together in the performance. This is followed by Reaper’s Scythe which starts off slower before building and exploding into a wall of beautiful noise.

Tom thanks the Rock City crowd for coming out early to hear them play and we end the set back on “Woodland Rites” with Let the Devil In. My favourite Green Lung track and the delivery is spot on. A wall of heavy beats intertwined with hearty riffs and pounding bass, with that delicate mix of keys running through it. As Tom belts out the lyrics the crowd are really bouncing now, as the track fades and they say their last goodbyes.

I’ve wanted to see Green Lung for a long time, and I was not disappointed….. not one bit. A great performance all round, sonically spot on and with a style and identify all of their own with a nod to some of the great psychedelic / prog rock founders. I really hope there are much bigger things ahead for Green Lung. They certainly deserve it based on tonight’s performance and I can’t wait to see them again.


Woodland Rites

Leaders of the Blind

The Ritual Tree

Old Gods

Reaper’s Scythe

Let the Devil In.

Clutch hail from Maryland in the good ‘ol US of A and hard to believe were first formed back in 1991 by Roger Smalls (vocals), Tim Sult (guitar), Dan Maines (bass) and Jean-Paul Gaster (drums). Since then, there’s been a few changes, with Neil Fallon now on vocals. They’ve gone on to release thirteen studio albums, the most recent being “Sunrise on Slaughter Beach” just this autumn. A regular and popular band at Rock City, as displayed by the “Sold Out” signs outside.

As the lights dimmed the crowd start cheering and whistling and the band head out into the red lights as they launch into Slaughter Beach from the latest album. It’s a great heavy one with a heavy bass line from Dan and some fantastic riffs from Tim. Neil Fallon is one of my favourite vocalists. He doesn’t just sing, he commands the stage and uses his body and face to emphasize the lyrics, pulling faces, striking poses and gesturing to the crowd. He reminds me of Joe Talbot from IDLES in this respect, both masters of their craft.

We head back to 2018 for Gimme the Keys next from “Book of Bad Decisions” another heavy track with great rhythm from Jean-Paul as he beats out the pace ably supported by Dan’s pounding bassline.

The pace slows with one of my favourite tracks The Regulator from 2004’s “Blast Tyrant” with Fallon on guitar too strumming away, a great vocal track which really highlights his skills. Fallon that’s the Nottingham crowd. I had forgotten their previous RC show was their last show here before the shit-show of Covid hit ! The intensity levels increase again for the next one as Red Alert blasts out at us and Fallon puts in an intense performance on vocals backed by some fiery riffs from Tim.

As a Theremin is brought out Fallon tells us it’s time to get weird for Skeletons on Mars from the latest album follows. With his characmatic physical style, Fallon is the perfect performer for something like a Theremin as he seems to weave the tones out of thin air around the instrument.

Hit after hit follows with Ghoul Wrangler again from “Book of Bad Decisions” before Worm Drink from “Blast Tyrant” with it’s fantastic guitar solo from Tim Sult. This one has an old school vibe to it. Another great track in A Quick Death in Texas from 2015’s “Psychic Warfare” has the crowd singing along with the chorus.

As the set winds towards the end, another couple of new tracks from “Sunrise on Slaughter Beach” in Three Golden Horns and Jackhammer Our Names. The new album fits in so well with the older hits which is always good to see.

As the main set ends, we get a wonderful cover of the Black Sabbath track Lord of this World taken from their 1971 album Master of Reality”. The beats are immense and Sult is driving out the riffs. It’s a wonderful tip of the hat to the metal masters and the Rock City crowd loved every second of it.

The chorus of cheers and shouts brings down confetti from the rafters as the faithful call for the return of their heroes, who duly oblige. Fallon introduces and thanks the band members before they launch into 10001110101 from 2005’s “Robot Hive/Exodus” album. The crowed know the numbers by heart and chant them along with Fallon. No Clutch set would be complete without a trip back to 2007’s “From Beale Street to Oblivion” and the majestic Electric Worry. This one’s been streamed over 33 million times and is iconic. The crowd are singing along and bouncing from start to finish to this classic track. Finally we come to the last track of the night and another toe into the waters of “Beale Street” for The Devil & Me Full of powerful riffs and massive beats, the track builds to a mighty end and the place is alive. As the track ends thew crowd roar their approval for an incredible night.  

Clutch have never ever disappointed, their performances always full of power, emotion and energy. Tonight’s lineup with Tigercub and the excellent Green Lung was inspired. A great night of rock and metal to wave bye to Rock City for another year. Roll on 2023 !


Slaughter Beach

Gimme The Keys

We Strive For Excellence

The Soapmakers

The Regulator

Red Alert

Skeletons on Mars

Ghost Wrangler

Worm Drink

Barbarella Walks In

A Quick Death in Texas


Cypress Grove

Three Golden Horns

Jackhammer Our Names

Nosferatu Madre

Lord of This World


Electric Worry

The Devil & Me

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