Starbenders / Rock City Beta / Nottingham

Starbenders / Rock City Beta / Nottingham

Back at Rock City for the night, and the smaller lower Beta stage for the visit of American glam-rockers Starbenders. Formed back in 2013 in Atlanta George but singer / guitarist Kimi Shelter.  They have their own unique style, mixing a glam style and aesthetic, with punk and old school rock vibes. They’ve released four albums, from their debut in 2016 “Heavy Petting”, then Japanese Rooms (2017), and “Love Potions” in 2020. Their most recent album “Take Back the Night” was recently released.

Led by the impressive vocal skills of Kimi Shelter, who has a soft tone, but can deliver rough and power vocals as well, and all four band members bring high energy levels right from the off.

Alongside Kimi is Kriss Tokaji (guitar), Aaron Lecesne (bass), and Emily Moon (drums).

There’s a decent sized crowd in Beta tonight for the show, with a real mix, from rock fans and those checking out something new. With no support to warm the crowd up, Starbenders hit the sate at 8 to a rousing reception.

The nature of Beta creates a very intimate atmosphere, with the stage tucked in the one corner opposite the bar, you’re able to get right up and close to the band. The set kicks off with Holy Mother which is a high energy number and sets the scene early for whats to come and it’s followed by the infectious Bitches be Witches. Kimi is developing a great relationship with the crowd with her interaction and commanding stage presence.

Following Marianne we enjoyed a musical section courtesy of Looking for Veins which showcases the musical skills well, and links us into the next track We’re Not Ok taken form the latest album “Taking Back the Night”. An absolute belter if a track, with a real anthem feel to it, and by now, the crowd were really getting into the groove, moving along to the beat.

With no support, Starbenders put on a cracking set list with tracks such as Cover Me (from 2020’s “Love Potions”) which has a seductive feel to it, Seven White Horses which was a great example of the interaction between Kimi’s vocals and the excellent guitar riffs from Tokaji. Push follows and then another instrumental in the form of Cheery Wine which really let Emma’s drumming and Aaron’s bass come to the fore and shine.

The next couple of tracks, for me were the highlight, with Dark Spell a real showcase for their musical ability showcasing their wide range of influences, and Game which was the perfect vehicle to push Kimi’s vocals and show us what she can do, a real emotional performance !

As the set came to an end with If You Need It from “Taking Back the Night”. What a showstopper if ever there was one. It’s a genre busting number with some dark vibes to it’s tone in places not dis-similar to Numan and also a feel of Blood Red Shoes to it, in its theme and style. It bursts into life for the chorus sections with powerful and emotional vocals. They certainly leave the best to last.

I didn’t know what to expect really arriving at the venue, and although I was disappointed there was no support (always enjoy finding a new gem) Starbenders didn’t disappoint with a fantastic performance. With great stage presence and an effortless interaction with the audience, their excellent delivery gave the eager crowd a great experience.

A thoroughly enjoyable night.

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