CLT DRP / VooDoo Daddy’s / Norwich

CLT DRP / VooDoo Daddy’s / Norwich

A short notice over-night business trip to Norwich and I’m online searching to see what shows are on in town. I couldn’t believe my luck, CLT DRP were playing that night at VooDoo Daddy’s in town ! I’ve been listen to their 2020 album “Without the Eyes” on repeat, and it’s one of my favourite, go-to post-punk albums. Someone I’ve been looking out for to see live, and here was my chance.

I checked out VooDoo Daddy’s online, and after my initial confusion (what they’re playing in a pizza restaurant/bar) I found the details. I have to sat something about the venue, what an amazing hidden gem VooDoo Daddy’s is. A door between shops, leads down an alley to an archway and entrance to a bar/pizza place, and upstairs an intimate grass roots music venue. Can’t say enough about the place, staff were amazingly friendly…. And the pizza !

Finally when doors opened and I’d mopped up the tomato sauce, I headed upstairs.

First up were local band Other Half, who I’m told have a big following in the area. I’d not heard them before coming tonight, and wow what a brilliant surprise. The three piece consisting of Cal Hudson (guitar, vocals), Alfie Adams (drums) and Sophie Porter (bass, vocals) were incredible.

Describing themselves as “Nasty-but-nice Norwich alt.punks” they spent 45 minutes demonstrating how shouting at the world can be such fun. Cal’s vocal style is harsh and aggressive sounding and mixed with his distorted fuzzy guitar tones, it dominates the sound backed by Sophie’s deep rich bass (and backing vocals) and some thunderous drum beats from Alfie. The songs from their second album “Soft Action” (2022) really showing how pissed with the world they are !

It’s raw, jagged and packed full of adrenaline. But between songs, the band chat away with the crowd, and in a wonderfully chaotic way, just make the set list up as they go along. I loved it, it shows a band relaxed and at home…. And confident in their stuff. It makes for a more intimate experience too.

I loved every second of the performance. Other Half are a fantastic band. They deliver a coherent delightful set of raucous, raging nasty music, but at the same time are clever, melodic, joyous. Give them a listen and if you can see them live.

A very short change round and out into the lights step CLT DRP (pronounced Clit Drip). The three piece post-punks from Brighton are Annie on vocals, Scott on guitar and Daphne on drums. Their 2020 album “Without the Eyes” is stunning and I highly recommend you give it a listen.

With just a drum kit and guitar, it’s amazing what a huge sound they create. Scott has one of the biggest pedal boards I’ve seen (only ones bigger I think I’ve seen are with atmospheric post metal band MAIRU). Using various effects and loopers, Scott lays down complex layers of sounds, over which he plays the fuzzy rhythms and melodies, backed up by some incredible drumming from Daphne.

The feminist lyrics mix with an electro/punk sound, infused with disco and big beats. All this is brought to life by Annie’s amazing vocals, which have a fantastic range from deep growling tones to high sustained notes. Annie has great vocal control and tone, and the elements merge perfectly into something quite unique.

Scott works his socks off, not just playing the riffs, but constantly bending, adjusting effects and loops, and still finding time to jump round like the best guitar heroes. Annie has a great stage presence too, as she prowls around her arms moving slowly as she sings almost like a dancer, before erupting into scorching punk vocal choruses as she leans out into the crowd. The intensisty of the performance is crazily good.

For me, the highlights of the set were brilliant performances of Where the Boys Are and I Don’t Want to go to the Gym both from 2020’s “Without the Eyes 2020”. In particular Where the Boys Are is a great live track. It starts off slow with drums and guitar riffs with soft almost lazy vocals over the top, and slowly it builds in intensity, becoming almost frantic and manic, erupting in a wall of noise. I love the complex nature of it, and it works brilliantly live.  Just before the final track I Always Like Your Mother Better we got their latest single New Boy (2023) with a great dancefloor texture to it.

This was a show I’d wanted to take in for some time, and I wasn’t disappointed. Their live performances offers some serious vocal intensity mixed with scorching hot punk-meets-metal-meets-electro tones. Often anthemic, often delicate and moving, and also visceral and incendiary in equal parts - Brighton Feminist Electro-Punks CLT DRP are going places.

Make sure you’re along for the ride !

Set List

Torx (2022 single)



Aftermath (2022 single)

Ownership (2021 single)


Only One

Where the Boys Are (Without the Eyes 2020)

I Don’t Want to go to the Gym (Without the Eyes 2020)

New Boy (2023 single)

I Always Like Your Mother Better (Without the Eyes 2020)

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