The Rasmus / O2 Academy / Bristol

The Rasmus / O2 Academy / Bristol

Back in Bristol again at the O2 Academy amidst some dreadful storms to see The Rasmus, Finnish rockers who rose to prominence with their 2003 album “Dead Letters” and the worldwide hit single In The Shadows. Well, earlier this year, they released a new album entitled “Rise” which, quite frankly is outstanding. So here we were to see what they were like live !

Unfortunately doors were delays by over half an hour due to a medical emergency on site which required an ambulance I hope the individual is on the road to a full recovery).

We headed into the O2 Academy for the first band Overlaps.

Overlaps are an alternative rock band from Venice in Italy, led by singer Gloria Piccinin (vocals), Stefano Galioto (bass) and Marco Marinato (guitar). Indeed this isn’t their first experience on the road with The Rasmus, having joined them on their 2018 “Dark Matters tour.

Their latest singles White Line (March 2022) and Mind over Matter (June 2022)have brought a new direction in their sound, being more alt-pop with some electronic influences, but the supporting strong rhythm and bass is still there.

Gloria is a great singer, and has an energetic style dancing all round the stage, with a constant huge smile on her face. A talented guitarist too, she donned her white ESP Ltd later in the set to join Marco on his gorgeous Gretsch White Falcon.

Their sound was well mixed and full of energy, with Gloria’s vocals soaring above the distorted gyitar riffs and pounding drum beats. Not having heard them before I have to say they really had some catchy tracks, that get you moving along to.

A thoroughly enjoyable set.

The hall was starting to fill up much more (limited and slow entry because of the earlier incident) and the crowd were ready for The Rasmus. As the stage was prepared, a projected shot out a graphic across the stage. It’s hard to believe they’ve been going for 25 years now, and I was interested to see if they still had the same enthusiasm and energy to match the tunes on the new album.

The current line up are Lauri Ylönen (vocals) Eero Heinonen (bass) Aki Hakala (drums) and guitarist Emilia "Emppu" Suhonen who joined after founding member Pauli Rantasalmi left the band for personal reasons.

Their most famous album “Dead Letters” released in 203 was actually their fourth album, but it’s the one that launched them from homeland success in Finland to stardom with the hit IN the Shadows. They have performed and recorded ever since, and have been busy in recent years. Back in February this year they won the nomination as Finland’s entry to the Eurovision Song Contest, making the final and coming in 21st place with the song Jezebel. They also released the new album “Rise” and embarked on the “Live and Never Die 22 Tour” European tour.

The lights dimmed and the crowd started to cheer as The Rasmus hit the stage, instantly recognisable with the famous black feathers in Lauri’s hair, a calling card ever since the In The Shadows days.

Straight off the energy levels were off the scale, and Lauri was moving around the stage freely his vocals as strong as ever. The band felt close and complimented each other so well, and it was great to see that new guitarist Emilia Suhonenis a great addition to the line up. It’s always so difficult when someone takes over from an established band member, but Emppu was fantastic.

The set list was a great balanced mix. A few tracks form the new album, but not too much, so there was plenty for the fans of the older material too. Their sound is unique and iconic, and seems ageless. The new material balances and fits in with the older material so well, and the whole thing has a natural sense of evolution, not revolution to it. You come away feeling like its rock music for all tastes, which you wouldn’t think would work, but it does…. So well.

Lauri was beeming and it was clear the band were delighted t be back out on the road again. emphasised many times during the evening that they were insanely happy to be on tour again.  The set started with a trio of classic numbers from 2003’s “Dead Letters” in First Day of my Life, followed by Guilty and In My Life.  Next up was No Fear from 2005’s brilliant album “Hide from the Sun”.

The new 2022 album “Rise” was represented by the title track Rise and Fireflies. For me Rise was the pick of the pair. Some searing powerful distorted guitar riffs supporting an anthemic vocal performance from Lauri, a classic Rasmus number. I love the way they build the sound and let it drop away to allow the vocals to shine, but then when they bring the noise again, Lauri simply lifts the vocals up and above them. The effect is mesmerising.

The main set ended with some absolute bangers in Livin’ in a World Without You (“Black Roses” 2008), F-F-F-Falling (“Into” 2001) and of course, the main set closer In the Shadows (“Dead Letters” 2003)

As the band gave came back we got a two song encore, we started with Jezebel their 2022 Eurovision entry which is on the latest album. Eurovision songs, for me, tend to be dreadful and dreary. Not this one, a song about a girl that sleeps through the day and comes alive at night. It’s a song about empowerment and being a strong confident woman who owns her own body … “I’m just the first shot on your hit list… woke up with bruises on my body, hands tied like Jesus on the cross, your name’s in lipstick on the mirror…. Jezebel” times have changed at Eurovision lol

I have to say, it’s an absolutely banging track, full of power and intensity, a genuine anthemic one this which had the crowd bouncing in the stalls. The final track of the night was the wonderful Sail Away taken from 2005’s “Hide from the Sun”. Its delicate and beautiful in equal measure… the perfect closing track with lines such as “sail away, it’s time to leave. Rainy days, are yours to keep. Fade away, the night is calling my name”.

Simply beautiful…..

I have to say, walking back to my hotel, humming away to In the Shadows (damn it…. Can’t get it out of my head lol) I thought back over the night. The Rasmus felt as strong, powerful and vibrant today as they did back in their UK heyday. I loved the addition of Emppu on guitar who adds a new interpretation to the tracks, honest to the original but full of her own personality.

A great night, with great support. Long may The Rasmus keep rockin’


Set List

First Day of my Life (Dead Letters 2003)

Guilty (Dead Letters 2003)

In My Life (Dead Letters 2003)

No Fear (Hide from the Sun 2005)

Paradise (Dark Matters 2018)

Fireflies (Rise 2022)

Time to Burn (Dead Letters 2003)

Live & Never Die (Rise 2022)

Wonderman (Dark Matters 2018)

Not Like the Other Girls (Dead Letters 2003)

October & April (October & April EP 2009)

Rise (Rise 2022)

Immortal (Hide from the Sun 2005)

Ghostbusters (Peep 1996)

Chill (Into 2001)

Livin’ in a World Without You (Black Roses 2008)

F-F-F-Falling (Into 2001)

In the Shadows (Dead Letters 2003)


Jezebel (Rise 2022)

Sail Away (Hide from the Sun 2005)

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