Skindred / Rock City / Nottingham

Skindred / Rock City / Nottingham

You know it’s Skindred time, as first we have AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ followed by the Star Wars Imperial March as the band hit the stage, followed by Benji as he strides out full of swagger and confidence. In his trademark studded shades and bright red studded leather jacket and matching feathered top hat and long dreds.

His ubiquitous Union Black flag draped on the mic stand, he holds it aloft proudly as the fans scream their appreciation for what’s about to come, as we launch into the first track Stand for Something, a powerful and gutsy track with powerful drum beats and hard guitar riffs.

Benji full of energy as ever winds the crowd up and posing for the assembled photographers who lap it up. This is followed up by one of my favourite tracks Rat Race which has a more obvious reggae feel to it but still with a very heavy metal backing to it.

The classic track Sound the Siren hits us next from 2015’s album “Volume” and the crowd are really into this now and the atmosphere is electric. Having discarded the hat, Benji pulls his dreds down over his face as he screams out the lyrics. The performance is exceptional with some excellent guitar work from Mikey Demus looking so cool in his hat, glasses and beard, and wouldn’t be too far out of place in ZZ Top lol. The other side of the stage we have Daniel Pugsley on bass who didn’t miss a beat all night.

We then had Doom Riff followed by Pressure with its Back in Black mix which the crowd know and love and enthusiastically join in before we return to and finish Pressure. The pace slows momentarily with the introduction to That’s My Jam which starts more melodically, but normal more chaotic Skindred service is resumed as the track grows in intensity.

Ninja is a great track to showcase the skills of Arya Goggins on drums. His performance all night is sensational but really shines on this one, and he’s clearly enjoying the night, before leading into a cut sequence of Van Halen’s Jump and the classic Jump Around with the crowd bouncing and enthusiastically joining in.

The interaction continues as the crowd chant along to Kill the Power, before we slow things down again with a stunning acoustic rendition the final track from 2018’s album “Big Tings” Saying it Now, dedicated to everyone that we’ve lost from our lives. Simply stunning rendition leaving the crowd lost for words.

We end on my favourite Skindred track from 2002’s album “Babylon” Nobody with it’s powerful chorus of “Nobody gets out of dis shark pit alive, Nobody, nobody gets out alive. The band are fully on it and the crowd are going crazy, and that’s it, the band exit stage right….

Following the usual cry’s of “One More Song……” Benji and the boys return to the stage for one more track, the ever popular Warning, from 2011’s “Union Black” (the track on the album featuring Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach fame) and the crowd are at frenzy point now. And then, finally, it’s all over.

By far the biggest crowd I’ve seen at Rock City since the lockdown was lifted, it certainly was a night to remember. It’s been a wild, noisy night and the cool night air is very welcome after that, but the crowd are already looking forward to next time ! One of the giants of the British rock scene, this is a band you have to see live to fully appreciate.

 Set List

Stand for Something

Rat Race

Sound the Siren

Doom Riff


That’s My Jam


(Eddie VH / Jump Around)

Kill the Power

Saying it Now



In support, first up we were treated to The Howling Tides, and what a fine these guys are. Smewhat different from both Skindred and Raging Speedhorn, these guys play style I guess something along the lines of a band like Clutch. It’s heavy rock, stoner rock and blues rock all mixed in together. It’s great stuff and kind of reminds you what you love so much about rock, you know ? Lead singer and guitarist Rob Baynes is energetic and moves around the stage commanding the space around him with crisp clear vocals. Supported by Hayden Kirk on guitar, Adam Brewell on bass and Steven ‘Herbie’ Herbert on (drums).

A short set, with a short guest appearance from Raging Speedhorn’s Frank Regan, who fires off a fire extinguisher into the crowd part way through the set lol. Starting off with their most recent single Thalia, there was plenty of drive and no-holds-barred punch around, mixed in with some razor-sharp guitar solos. A band delivering hard hitting heavy rock full of energy, a great set up for the main event.  

Set List


Cut Your Losses

Blue Moon


He Told Me

Crack My Soul

Next up, before Skindred hit the stage we have heavy hitters Raging Speedhorn. The guys have been around the scene for a few years now and are undoubtedly one of the loudest and heaviest bands I’ve seen live (I think Machine Head were louder, but not by much). Unusually, having two vocalists in the form of Frank Regan, and Daniel Cook, we get a double barrelled shotgun of sound assaulting our ears.

It makes for an entertaining evening as we watch our step in the pit, as Daniel Cook, spends most of his time climbing on the security barrier, reaching out into the crowd as he screams out his lyrics. You certainly don’t get much closer to the action than with Raging Speedhorn !

The set is visceral, and non-stop and full of anger and energy. Unfortunately, during (I think it was) Voodoo Man vocalist Frank Regan took a nasty fall off the stage into the pit, bashing his head. Cut and bleeding, it took some time to get Frank up and back on stage and the boys didn’t miss a beat. But it was clear that something wasn’t right for Frank. Bleeding and clearly heavily concussed he tried to carry on. A member of the team did get onto stage and sheppard him off for assessment, only for him to return shortly after grabbing a cymbal and wandering round the stage with it. It was clear Frank was in real trouble and suffering badly from his fall, his lyrics slurred and erratic. Finally, the band faced the inevitable and ended the set early, to the obvious disapproval of the fans, not all knowing what had happened. Daniel came back out and applauded the crowd. It was a cruel twist and a real shame as the boys were on it. Up to that point the set had been incredible. Raw…. Powerful…. Just what Raging Speedhorn is all about. The most important thing is that hopefully Frank is ok with no long term injury.

 Set List

Hand of God

Voodoo Man


The Gush


Hard to Kill


Doom Machine

Hate Song


Frank Carter & the rattlesnakes 4th album “Sticky” launches this Friday

Frank Carter & the rattlesnakes 4th album “Sticky” launches this Friday

The Slow Readers Club / Rock City / Nottingham

The Slow Readers Club / Rock City / Nottingham