Parkway Drive / Motorpoint Arena / Nottingham

Parkway Drive / Motorpoint Arena / Nottingham

After the amazing Machine Head / Amon Amarth show a couple of weeks ago, it was back to the Motorpoint Arena in Nottingham tonight for yet anther night of delightful noise, courtesy of Australian metal band Parkway Drive along with While She Sleeps and Lorna Shore. I knew the crowd were going to be in for a real treat. Getting into the main arena bowl I was a little surprised at the size of the crowd. For Machine Head / Amon Amarth it was less than full, but tonight there was a black screen across the far end of the arena, which I’d not seen before. The crowd grew as we got closer to the headline part of the show, but I would say it wasn’t much over half full, maybe 60% ? I’m not sure if folk are still nervous post-Covid, or cost of living etc, but those that made the trek were in for a good and very sweaty time.

As the lights dimmed, we first had an enjoyable short set from New Jersey based Lorna Shore. With Will Ramos (vocals), Adam De Micco (guitar), Austin Archey (drums), Andrew O’Connor (guitar) and Michael Yager (bass) launching straight into the first track To The Hellfire we knew it was gonna be an intense night ! The lights are red and menacing as Will struts back and forth along the walkway at the front of the stage, posing on the raised block at the front edge. His vocals screamed out and carried by the band. It feels insanely loud.

This is followed up by Of the Abyss which ramps up the brutality scale another notch as Adam and Andrew deliver some insane riffs. The crowd are moving and the first crowd surfers are coming over the barriers as we move into Sun//Eater. I’d not seen Lorna Shore live before and the energy and intensity of the performance hit me. This is great stuff !

Next up is the beautifully epic Cursed to Die before the final track of the set Into the Earth which comes for their eagerly awaited new album “Pain Remains” which is due out on 14 October.  

Set List

To the Hellfire

Of the Abyss


Cursed to Die

Into the Earth

After a short turn round on stage, Sheffield’s own While She Sleeps bound out to an eager crowd, who clearly know what’s coming next ! Lawrence ‘Loz’ Taylor (vocals) launches enthusiastically into Sleep Society supported by Sean Long (guitar), Aaran McKenzie (bass),  

Adam Savage (drums) and Mat Welsh (guitar).

There is some great depth to their performance, and Loz’s vocal range is pretty impressive. Matt and Sean race round the stage as Loz screams at the crowd to “Send your people over !!!!” as we move into Anti Social which is a wild track live, full of energy. During I’ve Seen It All Loz launches himself into the crowd and is carried around before finally finding the stage again.

Before starting Systematic, from the edge of the runway Loz commands the crowd to take to thew floor and the crowd do as commanded….. the intensity rises second by second until the instruments explode – BOOM and the crowd as one, jump up and the circle pits start up again. It’s powerful, it’s raw…. It’s everything this crowd want and more. Sitting to the side of the stage, seeing huge grins on the faces of the people as they run out of the pit, pushing their way back into the thronging mass of humanity to do it all over again.

Wow, a blistering set, filled with raw power and energy. I had no idea what to expect but this was just amazing. Although unsure what I was expecting from While She Sleeps – the sheer energy that filled that Arena was incredible.

Set List

Sleep Society


You Are All You Need

The Guilty Party

I've Seen It All

Eye to Eye

You Are We

Fakers Plague

Silence Speaks


5 minutes to go, security pull us all together and set the pit rules. Do not go near the edge of the stage, do not lean on the edge of the stage…. Then we’re in. I head to the end of the runway to await the arrival of Parkway Drive. Parkway Drive are Winston McCall (vocals),  Jeff Ling (guitar), Luke ‘Pig’ Kilpatrick (guitar), Jia ‘Pie’ O’Connor (bass) and Ben ‘Gaz’ Gordon (drums).

Their entrance is incredible. A huge screen behind the stage lights up, and what appears to be two huge walls of ice, slowly part. Then rising over the back of the stage, hooded torch bearers, in pairs, slowly walk out and take their positions along the jagged spikes adorning the stage set. All dressed in black, the band all walk out and take their positions, but where is Winston ?

Suddenly, just in front of us on the walkway a trap door opens and Winston rising onto the stage to huge flashes and explosions as towers of white smoke fill the auditorium. Dressed all in white with a white stab vest, he contrasts with the rest of the band. The music erupts and we’re straight into Glitch.  

Well known for their impressive light and fire show, it doesn’t take long for the pyros to go off. The first wave right in front of me and the camera, and the heat intensity is just incredible. Winston doesn’t stand still for a second, pacing up and down the runway.

Next up is Prey, with a fantastic solo section from guitarist Jeff Ling which is so heavy, but a track you can distinguish the different elements clearly. The drumming from Gaz Gordon is loud, and so so fast.

We enjoy Carrion and Vice Grip before one of my favourite Parkway Drive tracks Dedicated which is just full of raw power and emotion and rips the speakers apart. The crowd have been brilliantly set up by both Lorna Shore and While She Sleeps, and wave after wave of people drift across the top of the crowd into the waiting arms of security. They’ve got their work cut out tonight !!!

The pyros are fully on it now, with flames bursting up into the rafters warming us all from a now, safe distance. Winston asks the audience to ‘Reach out if you’re vulnerable. The way we do this shit is together’ and the unmistakable tones of Ground Zero ring out, from their 2022 album “Darker Still”. The guitar playing from both Luke and Jeff is incredible on this one.

As the set progresses the title track from their 2022 album Darker Still has everyone in awe. The track has a different vibe, and starts slow and mellow almost like an old western. It feels deep, dark and sad. The screamed vocals are gone, and Winston delivers a stunning performance as he delivers the haunting lyrics “I’m buying acres in the sky, and building stairs with every lie. With every step, I make her cry. Until I die, until I die”. There’s a wonderful guitar solo too, which is just sublime.


The intensity returns as the set draws to a conclusion with Bottom Feeder as the familiar melodies return. The fire erupts once more and pulses to the brutal beats.

We get a two song encore, with Crushed up first from 2015’s “Ire” with it’s chant intro, it’s unmistakable, before fully embracing the gritty raw hardcore vibe once more. Perhaps my song of the night. It rises and dips from incredible intense sections to still growled but muted sections, linked by some incredible heavy drumming that you just have to bang your head to. I just don’t want this stuff to stop !

Lastly, we have the classic Wild Eyes from 2012’s “Atlas” album which starts with a piercing solo guitar as the crowd roar and chant along. The flames launch into the air as the drums and insane heavy riffs kick in. The track is intensity personified in every way. And bang ! It’s over.

Three bands, on top top form. The intensity was just off the scale. WOW…. There’s just no other words to describe what I’ve just witnessed.

The next night, the tour headed to Cardiff for the final show. I was talking to another photographer late this week in Bristol (at the Anthrax gig…. Watch this space) who shot the show in Cardiff, and they said the same thing…. Just WOW. Hurry back to the UK guys !

Set List




Vice Grip


Ground Zero

Cemetery Bloom

The Void


The Greatest Fear

Shadow Boxing

Darker Still

Bottom Feeder


Wild Eyes

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