Ocean Alley / O2 Academy / Bristol

Ocean Alley / O2 Academy / Bristol

Another road trip down to the beautiful city of Bristol on a gorgeous summers say to see Australian psychedelic rockers Ocean Alley. I had heard of them but they’re a band that had flown under my radar, so I was excited to see what this would be like.

It’s nice walking into the friendly atmosphere of the O2, the staff always helpful and welcoming, and the added bonus of being nice and cool. A quick trip to the bar, camera gear sorted and we’re ready for the first band, also from Australia – Seaside.

Formed in 2018 Seaside are Darcy, Kento, Tom & Chris who gave is a 45 minute set with a style that moves effortlessly between punk, indie/alt rock and pop. A really polished performance for a band so new, the night felt like a 2 band co-headliner. Those of us in early were in for a real treat tonight.

Highlights of the 12 track set were Sycamore from their “In Another Life” EP (2020) and Dopamine a single from 2020 both of which had a delightful dreamy feel to it, with crisp bright guitar tones. Joyride (also from “In Another Life”) had a sharper heavier riff to it which was a hit with the local crowd.

My favourite track of the night was We’re on Fire a single released earlier this year. A real indie rock banger that had the crowd bouncing.

I really enjoyed Seaside. A great band with a great sound.

Another trip to the bar for an icy drink. Suddenly the O2 out of nowhere was packed, and it was starting to get crazy hot and we were ready for the entrance of Ocean Alley.

Originating from the Northern Beach area on the outskirts of Sydney, Ocean Alley were formed in 2011 and to date they’ve released four albums. The band have quietly built up a solid UK following with their take on psychedelic / alt-rock, and they’re on tour to promote their latest album release “Low Altitude Living” which came out in 2022.

The open the set tonight with Lemonworld from their 2016 release “Lost Tropics”. A great track which highlights singer Baden Donegal’s vocal skills perfectly. Laid back and relaxed, reggae tinge to the vocals it’s a great opening track. Followed by Tombstone from 2020’s album “Lonely Diamond” which builds to a rousing finish.

The crowd are loving every second of it so far. Knees from 2018’s “Chiaroscuro” changes the pace a bit, slowing it down for some wonderful blues ballad-like guitar sounds from Angus Goodwin, but again with a great reggae styling to it at times.

As the set progresses, the crowds instantly recognise the ever popular Confidence (also from 2018’s “Chiaroscuro”) with it’s wah guitar and organ it has an old 70’s groove to it and its got the crowd moving as one and cheering.

If tonight’s show is anything to go by this latest tour will have certainly helped to  cement Ocean Alley’s reputation among UK audiences and won them over some new fans.

The final track is Touch Back Down from their latest 2022 album “Low Altitude Living”, and what a final track it is, with its crystal clear guitars with that slide-like sound. In it’s quieter moments it has a relaxed country feel to it, but then builds into an anthem like rock chorus. A really nice mix.

By the end, I was glad to walk out in to the cool night Bristol air, and grabbed a quick drink round the corner at the Watershed. Two new bands to me, who both delivered in bucket loads. Enjoyable, delicate and yet powerful. Great stuff !

Australia has got some amazing bands a around at the moment, with the likes of Amyl and the Sniffers and The Chats taking the post-punk world by storm. In the surf / alt-rock category, you can definitely add Ocean Alley and Seaside !

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