Mushroomhead / Thekla / Bristol

Mushroomhead / Thekla / Bristol

Oh boy……. Have I been waiting for this one ! I’ve listened to Mushroomhead loads over the years and I’ve heard so many stories of their live shows, I just HAD to see them on tour this year. I got to Thekla nice and early, to make sure I could get a spot at the front. I knew all about the water drums, and so got myself a spot in the middle at the front. Clever me eh ?! You know you’re in for a treat as the venue staff rush around frantically trying to tape big bags over all the monitors and electrics on the stage before the show starts. Ah ! Someone’s parked across the back of the bands trailer… that’s bought a bit of time lol. I lent a hand holding bags in place as the tape was torn and applied liberally.

For those that know it, Thekla is a smaller venue with a small stage area, and as we had three bands on tonight we had Sickret banners in front of Skarlett Riot ones, in front of Mushroomhead ones, and the mysterious black cloth draped ‘tables’ to the sides of the stage….. Hmmmmmm ?

I felt a little for Sickret as they took to the stage, with little room to move and partly obscured by the shrowds, but I shouldn’t have worried. What space the Swiss nu metallers had they used well, and a sick huge loo banner to boot. The four piece have a sound full of energy and the rap styled metal vocals from frontman Timmy Michels were incredible right from the start. I guess there would be comparisons to bands like Limp Bizkit but I loved it, and they had a tone and a soundscape all of their own. Thoroughly entertaining and a great start to the night, really getting the crowd buzzing.

You’ll be sick of me saying every time…. don’t miss a support, you could miss a real gem. Well, tonight I found a gem, and I’m looking forward to seeing Sickret again with a longer set.

Banner #1 is taken down to reveal the Skarlett Riot one behind, freeing up a little more stage space. Led out on to the stage by singer Chloe Drinkwater the sound is different and they dive straight into the opening track Breaking the Habit. For me, echoes of bands such as Hot Milk and Pale Waves, but the difference was great and they were clearly popular with the crowd. Chloe’s vocals were on fire tonight supported by excellent skills on guitar from Danny Oglesby. The tight space doesn’t dampen the performance with Danny flinging himself around wildly in what room he had. For me the real highlights were the last two tracks. First we had Warrior and it really shows what they’re all about, with it’s catchy chorus and full on heavy sound. Then finally, we were entertained by Human which is a real showcase for Chloe’s vocal skills which shine through, demonstrating an ability to be both delicate and soft, and a strength and power as she just soared through the chorus. A thank you, and a band / crowd photo to end, and we now await the headliners !

Banner #2 is taken down, and one last final check  of the waterproof taping is done ! I had been feeling quite smug p to this point, that having got a spot at the front, it was slap bang in the middle of the stage… in hand. What I had forgotten was that at Thekla the stage monitors hang down lo, and the right hand side one is inset from the side of the stage. Along with the guy next to me, we watched the draped unt being dragged across the stage towards us….. closer and closer. Fuck. I’d miscalculated ! The covers were ripped off and we saw the two pairs of floor standing toms, with spot lights through them and pipework, pouring water onto the drumskins constantly. The guy my right was right between the two right drums. He smiled at me nervously. Me? I’d ended up on the corner of the drums set.

Good job I had brought about four handkerchiefs for wiping camera lenses ! No pit, and a steady pressure from behind now as the sell out crowd got ready…… this was going to be FUN !

The lights dimmed to a red glow as the band started to take to the stage. Dressed in dark clothes with Police style sleeveless utility vests and their brilliant demonic masks. The room erupts, the drums bark out their powerful rhythm, the guitars growl and the crowd surges forward crushing us to the stage edge as Mushroomhead dive head first into their trademark disturbing intense cacophony of sound. The band dive straight into the opening track A Requiem for Tomorrow and it becomes immediately apparent just how good their stage presence is. Singers stalking up and down the stage, the guitarist and bass player standing on the spot lit drums.

The singer leans intothe crowd right above me as I get some great close up shots and then uses my head for support as he throws himself out into the crowd. The floor standing toms are pounding out the beats and quite frankly….. it’s like trying to photograph a band in the swimming pool as the kids fuck about splashing everyone.  It’s good gear, it can handle it I tell myself, as I wipe the lens again lol.

By the end of track two (Seen it All) we’re all absolutely soaked at the front. You know what though ? I don’t think I’ve been to a better gig….. ever.

Mushroomhead are quite simply a visual and interactive treat, and they are the kind of band to see in a smaller venue where you can be right in it with them. As a photographer, you couldn’t ask for more, as they pull stances for the lens, or pull faces, engaging with the fans, fist bumping and loving every minute of the experience as much as the punters.

Visually, with the spot lit drums and water rising high, it’s a visual treat and works so well with the masks creating a very intense experience. But despite all this, and the crush from the mosh, I never ever felt in danger, or unsafe. It all felt brilliantly part of the experience.

Our Apologies was followed by one of my favourite MRH tracks in QUERTY, which was performed perfectly. I think I managed about 7 songs right at the front with the camera, before I headed to the side of the stage and to the balcony to get some other shots (proud of that, bet many togs don’t stop in the firing line that long lol).

Other highlights included Destroy the World Around Me and the brilliant The Dream Is Over. I lost track a little, but I think the final track was Born of Desire which was a great one to end on. The band thanked the crowd and fling various plectrums and set lists to the crowd. The house lights cme on, and somehow it seems quite appropriate to be standing in the hold of a boat in the docks, with water sloshing round our feet !

I walked out into the cool evening, and realised just how wet I was. Mushroomhead have an incredible and loyal fan base and they clearly are held in high regard by the band. I sat on the bench drying off my lens again and thought about what I had just experienced. Sunday saw me sat with 30,000 others enjoying the kings of industrial metal Rammstein in Coventry. A huge set, with amazing pyrotechnics, and light shows…… It was truly stunning. And here I was now, sat in the docks 48 hours later outside a 450 capacity venue, soaked and sweaty and aching from the mosh.

You know what ? This was every bit as good. In fact it better - it cost a lot less, was more interactive, and made you feel much more part of the experience. I could not have been happier. The masks, the water toms and spot lights, the antics, the crowd…… it is just the most incredible night of metal you could ever want.

A truly a memorable show from the masked Ohio nu-metallers and one I won’t forget for a long time. Next time…. No camera, and right back on the front row !!!


Set List (I think)

A Requiem for Tomorrow

Seen It All

Our Apologies


Sun Doesn't Rise


12 Hundred


Kill Tomorrow

Destroy the World Around Me

Before I Die


The Flood

The Dream Is Over

Empty Spaces

Born of Desire

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