Maisie Peters / O2 Academy / Bristol

Maisie Peters / O2 Academy / Bristol

Its been a while since we last visited the O2 Academy in Bristol, so along with a great show, it was fantastic to meet up with some friends there and catch up. Tonight we’re here to see Maisie Peters on her “The Good Witch” tour, which culminates with a huge show on 3 November at the OVO Wembley Arena. Tonights show sold out quickly, and as a result an additional night was announced for last night on Halloween, which also sold out. Apparently Maisie and the band all dressed up as did many of the audience, and it must have been quite the sight ! Almost every night on this tour has sold out well in advance.

First up we had a support set from Australian singer/songwriter Gretta Ray. A winner of the national Triple J Unearthed radio competition for bands and songwriters, and the 2016 Vanda & Young Global Songwriting Competition, with her song Drive. Gretta has released two albums to date 2021’s “Begin to Look Around” and this years “Positive Spin”.

A really enjoyable pop set, with her friend on guitar/keys her songwriting style has a very folk foundation in its story telling. It has an almost conversational style to it. At ease with the crowd, Gretta takes every opportunity to speak and connect with the crowd.

The O2 is just crammed full tonight, with no room to move around at all, such is Maisie’s current popularity. The stage is prepared and the covers removed to reveal a long fluffy cloud like wall the full length of the stage, behind which the band stand on a raised platform, allowing Maisie the front to move around. Behind the set in big writing is the name of the tour. It’s a pretty impressive design.

We head into the pit and the lights drop to squeals from the crowd in anticipation as the introduction to The Good Witch rings round the venue as Maisie Peters steps out to loud cheers, dressed in a short red dress, reminiscent of 60’s fashion.  

From the opener, Maisie dances and wheels along the stage effortlessly as she performs Coming of Age. For Body Better she picks up her acoustic guitar and delivers a catchy pop performance to the delight of the crowd.   

Her connection with the crowd is effortless, and natural and the reaction is one of love from her adoring fans. The set contains a number of great tracks, performed perfectly, such as You’re Just a Boy and John Hughes Movie, before she delivers an emotional acoustic medley half way through the set, transitioning seamlessly into an emotional performance of her 2018 hit Worst of You.   

The crowd go wild for what feels like their favourite song of the night in You Signed Up For This, and love it when Gretta joins Maisie on stage for Yoko.

The main set ends with another crowd favourite Cate's Brother, before a short, two song encore with History of Man joined again by Gretta and Lost the Breakup from her most recent album ”The Good Witch”.

Maisie Peters seems to be everywhere right now, on posters, buses and billboards, and you can kind of see why. A talented singer / songwriter, she has an effortless style and fun presence. Her star is rising fast ! A great night that went down well with the huge crowd, who all went home happy, despite the dreadful wet weather outside. Nothing was going to dampen their experience.

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