Lauran Hibberd / The Louisiana / Bristol

Lauran Hibberd / The Louisiana / Bristol

Lauran Hibberd has been on our radar for some time, since we reviewed her debut album “Garageband Superstar” and we were super excited to see her for the first time at Bristol’s iconic Louisiana venue, a grass roots venue that has seen some of the absolute best come through their doors on their career journeys, including IDLES, Amy Winehouse, The White Stripes and Coldplay to name but a few.

In support tonight we had a short set from Jess Baker, known as Ugly Ozo. Usually performing with a band, we had a solo show, in disguise…. Well with a cowboy hat on with a large fringe covering her eyes lol. Jess plays guitar and bass in lauran’s band and is a close friend. A really fun set of quirkly tunes to get the night off to a great start.

Being so small, Lauran, with Jess on guitar and JP on drums, walk through the crowd and jump onto the stage. The main room is narrow but long, and I wonder what the view for those further back is like.

This is pop-punk at it’s finest - think of Avril Lavigne, Paramore & No Doubt with hints of Blink 182 thrown in.

We hit things off with Bleugh released as a single and on the “Goober” EP back in 2021. Lauran is full of boundless energy and bounces round the stage, with high kicks and bouncing up and down, the large crowd are digging every minute.

As the first track ends we hear for the first time from “Tom” in the audience, as “We Love You rings” out. And this is where Lauran shines so brightly. Through the night, Lauran and Tom develop a kind of ‘relationship’ and between songs she interacts with him, in a brilliantly humorous way. Most importantly, in a genuine way. It’s actually quite funny. The best interaction was when Lauran asked the crowd to stick up their middle fingers, “This song is about that one thing you hate more than anything”……. And a voice cried out “Cats”. A wave of disapproving ‘Ooooooohs rang round the room’ It was just so brilliantly timed. Lauran has a natural sense of humour a self-deprecating style which feels fun and lite hearted in equal measure.

Honda Civic is a great example of her humorous style, about guys thinking they’re such big shots driving around in their Civics. Punchy pure pop-punk, it’s brilliant. Check out the video below:

The song that first got me into Lauran comes up next with I'm Insecure, a great anthem of a track that has the crowd bouncing up and down and singing along. I was wondering if the floor would hold up, it was moving so much !

Introducing us to the next track, Lauran informs us it’s about her ex (resulting in a response “the c*nt” to which Lauran drying notes “well that sums him up”). A song about guys lost online in Call of Duty and Red Dead Redemption, and aptly named Hole in the Head.

We get a real treat with the performance of a brand new track called Second prettiest girl in the world, which Lauran tells us she wrote after someone told her recently how she was the second prettiest girl they had ever met…..!

This natural manner and sense of fun came to the fore with another notable and different audience interaction. A guy in the crowd held up his phone with a message on it. Lauran said, ooh I’m not sure we’d better ask JP (on drums). The phone said “Can I play Hot Boys” with you. JP tried to brush it off ‘well, we’re playing to a track, it’s tricky you know…..’ But Nathan wasn’t put off ‘I know it, I can play’….. Lauran was just like, you know what, why not….. so Nathan got up, had Lauran’s Gibson SG slung over his shoulder and we headed into Hot Boys

Any boy, Nathan wasn’t joking, he really could play. A fun song with a real Blink rhythm to it, and a great chorus what we were all shouting along to. Nathan was a natural fit, and it was like he was the forth member of the band from the off, as he got a huge cheer as he left the stage, leaving Lauran grinning and JP nodding in approval.

Another great sing-a-long next as we got a fantastic cover of the Gwen Stefani hit Hollaback Girl.

It was back to 2019 for Shark Week. This one is slower and more emotional, and the fun persona slips somewhat, with a tale of two people that feel like kids in each others company, being close, but not close enough, and the girl longing to be what he wants. The lyrics are beautifully crafted with lines like “I laughed so much and I think it just hit me. I wish I could be what you want….. We waste hours, talking ‘bout the things we love, even though we know we’re not close enough”. It had some in the audience in tears by the end, made better from hugs from Lauran. It’s a beautifully moving track.

It’s followed by another slower one in Slimming Down, a beautiful slow track, full of emotional vulnerability from “Garageband Superstar”. Again the lyrics are amongst the best and so expressive. Perhaps my favourite line on the album “I fell onto your trampoline and I never quite bounced back”. So expressive.

Lauran tells us, that’s it and this is the point you’d usually walk off, and vainl;y hope that at least some us us might shout for more, but (pointing across the room) ‘lets just not bother eh ? Fancy some more?” Looking at the walk through the crowd to the door on the side, I get her point lol !

The slower pace is gone as we blast into Still Running (5k) which has a different vibe to it, with a punchy repeating beat and almost rap like vocal delivery. A song about the grind of life’s treadmill and the expectations of others, and a desire to be free to be yourself.

Almost over, but what else could be last but the absolute top tune that is That Was a Joke. This one absolutely sums up her vibrant, quirky, fun style to perfection. The chorus sees her bouncing round the stage, down into the crowd as we all shout along with her. Phone torches on, the place is buzzing and again I’m half expecting to end up in the bar below when the floor gives way lol.

And with that, Lauran bounces off the stage and out of the room.

This was a night of high expectation firsts. A first trip to the iconic Louisiana, and a first time seeing Lauran. I absolutely was not disappointed on either front.

Yes this is pop-punk, not my usual fair (as any regular reader can see) but I have to say, in all honesty, this is the BEST gig of the year for me.

Lauran is fun, energetic, has a wonderful dry sense of humour and a mischievous nature. She’s charismatic and engaging. There is a blend here you don’t often find…. Great sing writing, clever and brilliantly written lyrics, musical ability and just a great, honest…. Dare I say ‘real’ way with people… her audience.

Lauran Hibberd is an absolute must see show….. keep your eyes peeled for more shows soon.

Set List


Honda civic

I'm Insecure

How Am I Still Alive?

Hole in the Head

Charlie's Car

Second prettiest girl in the world – New track

Hot Boys (Person from the crowd joined… more )

Hollaback Girl (Gwen Stefani cover)


Call Shotgun

Shark Week

Slimming Down

Still Running (5K)

That Was a Joke

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