Frank Turner / Rock City / Nottingham

Frank Turner / Rock City / Nottingham

I’ve been told so much about how good Frank is live, and having listed to his new album “FTHC” which came out earlier this year on repeat, I’ve been excitedly looking forward to this one. As always Rock City is a sell out for it’s favourite son….

First up, we had a short set from Truckstop Honeymoon. Couple Katie and Mike West tour the world with four kids and a truck load of songs, and sing songs about the strangeness of life. Rooted in Louisiana, their music combines elements of bluegrass, country, folk and rock’n’roll. With nine albums behind them they have a wealth of material ! The set was unscripted, just ;picking a song and diving in. Their interaction with the crowd and musicianship was outstanding, as they told tales of life, and how Katie became all Parisienne after a trip to France ! It was fun, light hearted and thoroughly enjoyable.

Next up, something completely different, as Pet Needs hit the stage with their high energy style, especially from lively frontman Johnny Marriott who threw himself all round the stage. The crowd were well and truly into it and ready and raring to go. If I hadn’t known Frank was coming on next, I’d have though they were the headliners. A powerful and engaging set, Pet Needs are one to watch. They’ll be back in Nottingham on 15th December, when they headline their own show at the Bodega. I’ll definitely be there for that one – more of the same please guys !

The place was packed now and you could feel the excitement before Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls came on. The lights dimmed and Frank and the band stormed onto the stage. Constantly touring I don’t know where he gets the energy from ! The crowd went absolutely crazy. All dressed in white shirts and dark trousers the band look amazing, and the tempo just doesn’t drop one bit from start to finish as the eager crowd are absorbed into the Frank’s universe with a selection of Frank’s classics, fan favourites and powerful punk picks from the new, and number one album “FTHC”.

The set starts off with Four Simple Words which just tips the scales and brings the eager crowd to fever pitch, followed by The Gathering which keeps them on edge, before Photosynthesis just tweaks that dial right off the scale !

The crowd are dancing and singing all the lyrics as Frank runs through tracks such as 1933 and The Next Storm. There’s something about Frank that just has to be experienced live. Tracks such as 1933 are great on vinyl, but somehow change live and become enormous and so much more powerful. He tells the crowd this isn’t a show to stand and listen, and that’s all about participation, and the crowd responded, either singing along or swirling in the pit, this was a show for everyone that had turned up, and Frank makes sure everyone feels included.

There were the occasional lulls in the pace, with Frank returning to his solo ballad roots when performing songs like There She Is, The Ballad of Me and My Friends and Be More Kind. Much more laid back, and although without the stage presence of the whole band, Frank’s personality and ability to command an audience came through. The rest doesn’t last long and the rock noise returns with Non Serviam which feels like a punk anthem and the crowd swirls in the pit to the powerful riffs.

But this is Rock City, Frank’s favourite venue. In fact he made sure that his 2,000th show was at Rock City, a place he considers home. So much so, he reminds us all he has the venues logo tattooed on himself ! The closeness, the affinity he has for the crowd here comes through very strongly.

Somehow, Frank and the band keep this pace up for wo solid hours. I have to say, seeing Frank is quite the experience. I wasn’t sure what to expect tbh, but I wasn’t expecting this ! The interaction with the crowd makes it an experience unlike any other.

If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend seeing Frank. It won’t be long before he returns I’m sure of that…. Coming up to show #2,700…….. !

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