Enter Shikari / Rock City / Nottingham

Enter Shikari / Rock City / Nottingham

In some ways, we’ve got used to going to gigs again, and it feels strange to say that this show had been delayed by Covid, but finally… here we were. Enter Shikari were here for two nights both selling out to emphasise the popularity of the band, so often overlooked by the mainstream media. We were at Rock City on the second night, and talking to a few fans, it  seems the first night was a great success.

First up, we were entertained by a set  from As Everything Unfolds, who played through songs from their debut album “Within Each Lies The Other”. Judging by tonight’s performance they ought to get used to playing big stages, as they delivered a fantastic performance, and the six-piece band made their presence known opening with Take Me There. Vocalist Charlie Rolfe hit the ground running with a powerful performance which demonstrated her extensive vocal range.

On keys we had Jon Cassidy who brought a great level of energy for someone restricted by their instrument, alongside guitarists Adam Kerr and Owen Hill who jumped around the stage while delivering some great loud distorted riffs. Jamie Gowers (Drums) and George Hunt (Bass) completed the line up and delivered a powerful rhythm under pinning the overall sound so well.

The set just got better and better as it progressed and the highlight for me was the final track On The Insidewhich was powerful and full of energy, and had the crowd rocking.

A strong performance, and I’m sure a fair few went away to check them out on their preferred streaming service. Definitely one to watch.


Take Me There

Hiding From Myself




On The Inside

The second support were Trash Boat, who hail from St Albans and consist of Tobi Duncan (Vocals), Dann Bostock and Ryan Hyslop (Guitars), James Grayson (Bass) and Oakley Moffatt (Drums).

Trash Boat have been around since 2014 and are no strangers to larger crowds, and they took to the stage with a swagger and confidence, as Tobi grabbed the mic and they exploded straight in to the opening track Silence is Golden. The short 6 track setlist all came from their latest 2021 album “Don’t You Feel Amazing?”

The energy in the room went up another level, led by the stage presence of Tobi who owned the stage around him. Part way through during Bad Entertainment they were joined on stage by Charlie Rolfe to add the depth of second singer which was recorded with Milkie Way on the album (from nu-metallers Wargasm).

Loud, powerful and thoroughly entertaining, you can catch Trash Boat at this year’s Download Festival, as they are playing on the final day on the Avalanche stage.


Silence is Golden

Synthetic Sympathy

Bad Entertainment

Alpha Omega

Don’t You Feel Amazing?

He’s So Good

With two great support acts, the sell out crowd were now ready for Enter Shikari. You could feel the atmosphere and the band teased the crowd with an automated voice countdown for the last fifteen minutes before they hit the stage, warning us that there was “xx minutes left until you descend in to the Great Unknown”. A frustratingly great gimmick, which I’m sure made time go slower lol.

As the countdown ended the house music stopped and the ubiquitous flashlight from the side of the stage told the desk that the band were ready. The stage was fairly empty with just the retro-futuristic keyboard/monitor to the side of the drums….. then as the lights dimmed, the Live Outside intro blasted out from the speakers….. the front row, all holding their hands up in the air, forming a triangle shape shouting out for the band……then, as the first track The Great Unknown rang out, Rou Reynolds shouted out “If there’s anyone out there give us a sign” and the confetti cannons exploded showing the crowd and the pit as they sprung into life…. The large crowd going wild.

Enter Shikari ran through a setlist of 20 songs, spanning their entire back catalogue, every single one a fan favourite with Destabilise and then Sssnakepit next later in the set, 2007’s fan favourite Sorry You’re Not a Winner. The set had a well thought out structure to it, classic Enter Shikari heavy and loud tracks full of raw energy, but then with softer interludes to give both the band, and the crowd a breather !

Highlights for me were the performance of The Pressure’s On, Mothership and Constellations.

What can’t be denied is the chemistry between the four band members. Everyone delivered a brilliant set and all the elements were in true sync throughout. Enter Shikari are one of those bands that produce some incredible music in the studio and on vinyl, but then can lift it and take it out on the road and deliver it perfectly.

Overall, tonight is an incredible night. Two outstanding young support acts that delivered and then some, and a main set full of classic fan favourites, power, energy and theatrics. Enter Shikari are a band that have been able to move with the times, develop their sound and stay true to their loyal fans. It really was a night  that rocked.



The Great Unknown




Modern Living

Return to Energiser



The Pressure’s On

Arguing with Thermometers

Rabble Rouser

Sorry, You’re Not a Winner

Gandhi Mate, Ghandi




Reprise 3


The Dreamer’s Hotel

Live Outside

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