Belphegor / Corporation / Sheffield

Belphegor / Corporation / Sheffield

The winter storms are in full force today, as we drive up to Sheffield and head to the Corporation for what promises to be a killer show. With four bands on the live up tonight, it’s a packed set with short turn rounds between each act.

We start the night off with a set from Monastery, and those that arrived early doors were in for a real treat, as they hit us with a blistering set of old school brutal metal. The bass guitar and drums deliver a powerful rhythm section underpinning the searing and intense guitar riffs. Monastery set the scene well for what was to come, and the crowd loved it.

Up next on stage are German metalheads Atrocity, and its so good to have them back on tour in the UK. Their latest album, 2023’s “Okkult III” is perhaps black metal album of the year. It’s Atrocity at their most brutal. Their sound is impressive, delivering a set that is snarly and full of venom. Krull’s vocals are truly brutal and the power behind the band is pretty intense right from the start. The drumming is intense, with the bass drum rattling out like a machine gun.

The set opens with Desecration of God and the crowd are chanting along to second track Death by Metal, loving every second of the performance.

A powerful performance of Necropolis is the highlight of the set for me, and special mention to the final track Reich of Phenomena, which is big, bold and powerful. Atrocity are a band that just seems to get better and better with age.

Its hard to believe that Dutch blackened death metal stalwarts God Dethroned have been around for nearly thirty years, since their formation in 1991. They’re a band I’ve heard a lot about, but never got round to seeing. On a night of high decibels, someone’s turned the dial up to 11 as God Dethroned step out on to the stage. The crowd has grown now and are rocking at the barriers, metal horns in the air, as God Dethroned deliver a simply breathe taking and brutal set.

There’s a menacing feel to their sound with evil power riffs galore. The guitar tones are crushing and full of weight. This intensity is backed up beautifully by the rhythm section which is equally strong and heavy. The beauty of their sound is that although loud and harsh, the tracks are packed with detail and melody, with subtle hooks and intricacies.

A balls to the wall aggressive set but with melody and some anthemic highlights along the way. Heavy as hell…… nice.

A longer break as the stage is dressed ready for Belphegor. Large spots positioned either side of the drums as icons and skulls decorate the stage. Along with bands like Batushka, Belphegor are a visually impressive band. As the intro music rings out, the incense burns are placed and the smoke builds as the band walk out solemnly to the stage taking their positions led by Helmuth Lehner (vocals and guitar) and Serpenth (bass).

Belphegor’s brand of blackened death metal is intense and visually impressive creating an imposing atmosphere throughout their set. The pace of the set is balanced with blistering speed and power in the likes of The Devil’s Son to the more anthemic tones of tracks like Conjuring the Dead.

The set was slick and delivered with style with Helmut’s riffs packing a fierce punch, alongside his guttural and snarling vocals. The set included some newer tracks, from their latest album 2022’s “The Devils” (brilliant – go check it out !). These included the title track The Devils and Virtus Asinaria and I have to say the news tuff fits in so well with their live performances, bringing a freshness to the performance.

Frequently bathed in dark blue tones, it added ot the sinister atmosphere and the Sheffield crowd were loving every second. It was clear right from the off, that Belphegor are at the top of their game, delivering a visually impressive performance, with a musical quality to match, and which rocked the Corporations very foundations.

Four bands… Monastery, Atrocity, God Dethroned & Belphegor – All on blistering form

And as headliners ? Belphegor are up there with the absolute best, no doubt about it. A band you have to see live !


The Procession


The Devil’s Son

Sanctus Diaboli Confidimus

BG – Hells Ambassador

Conjuring the Dead / Pactum

Lucifer Incestus

Virtus Asinaria – Prayer

The Devils

Der Lichbringer

Totentanz – Dance Macabre

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