Aussie punks the Shit Tinnies release singles 'Town' and 'Point to Prove'

Aussie punks the Shit Tinnies release singles 'Town' and 'Point to Prove'

What a great name for a punk band EH ? If they were British they’d be called ‘Cheap Lager’ but in Australia…. what else but Shit Tinnies…. excellent. I like them already.

Even though they are based in Sydney, Australia Punk act Shit Tinnies, introduce themselves to the dim-lit room of half-cut punters as “The Kiwi, the Brit, the Serb and the Canadian”, it's impossible to mistake Shit Tinnies for any other band. From the Brit's gigantic Mohawk hair to the Serb's Adidas sneakers, the Kiwi's denim and piercings to the Canadian's sleeves of tattoos, Shit Tinnies look and sound like they came here to drink you under the table.

The Shit Tinnies started out as a conversation between buddies James and Braydin "Hey, why don't we start a punk band and play some gigs?". Joined soon after by Stefan Radulovic on bass and Ryan Powers on drums, they began a cycle of songwriting, rehearsal, and relentless partying, before taking the stage bleary-eyed in 2018.

Australia has been producing some excellent music recently. We’ve reviewed amazing works from Primo! And Destrends, and now we take a look at the Shit Tinnies. This is a double treat and we get to review two tracks at once, as the band have recently released the single Town on Riot Records, which is available to buy and on all major streaming services, but on Monday 25 May, they release Point to Prove, the title track from their forthcoming second EP.

Town (Released 20 April 2020)

Released on 20 April 2020 through Riot Records I have to say that Town was the Shit Tinnies best track to date. Its just great hardcore, old school punk with raw vocals it’s the kind of punk like Rancid that just grabs you and throws you around the room. Powerful riffs and rhythmic bass, underpinned by loud stomping drums, it’s a wild mix. It’s youthful angry, frustrated punk at it’s best. Bored in their town, the boys travel to another town to drink, play guitar and fight; “Causing trouble in town till the day we die, Quarter past twelve we’re in the smoky bar, Drinking dirty bourbon playing dirty guitar, Getting pretty rowdy voices getting loud”

“Cos our town is such a bore, So we’re coming to yours to start a war, Cos I don’t wanna have another day of silence, So shut the fuck up and enjoy the violence”.

Although it is a traditional 3 minute blast of fury and angry noise, it’s far more than just that, there’s a real good beat to it. Just the kind of punk you wanna jump around to.

A great fun punk song, and worth a great 8.0 score

Town is out now and available to download on Spotify and iTunes

Point to Prove (Out next Monday 25 May 2020)

I said that Town was the Shit Tinnies best song to date. Well it can hold that honour for about two more days. On Monday 25 May 2020, the band release Point to Prove, the title track from their forthcoming second EP. For me, Point to Prove feels like metaphor for where this band is going, we’ve got something to prove and we’re going places. I feel that this single and the forthcoming EP could really help the Shit Tinnies break through to a wider audience.

Town was an excellent 3 minute angry punk song, but for me Point to Prove brings them to another level. This track is a great political statement / protest song about people being ‘brave’ but really being all mouth with no idea what it would really be like to face oppression and danger “You said you would’ve stood up at Tiananmen Square, But it’s easy to be brave when you were never even there, It’s easy to be humble when you live in the free world,

And it’s easy to be scared when your family’s getting killed”. It’s powerful stuff, and delivered brilliantly.

Not only are the lyrics excellent, it shows off their musical skills really well. The timing drumsticks lead to a guitar riff intro reminiscent of some of the best horror punk bands out there, such as Saturday Night by the Misfits. Then, it shifts up a notch and into a more SKA based sounds, akin to something along the lines of the Clash initially but then more raw like Rancid, with a wonderful hip hop style vocals in the middle. The mix of styles is excellent and delivered brilliantly.

The Shit Tinnies are spilling over with energy and drive, and their gritty sounds and live performances will be popular, but with the release of Point to Prove, I think this band can really go places in the punk world.

Surpassing the excellent Town, Point to Prove is deserving of an excellent 8.5 score.

Point to Prove is out on Monday 25 May 2020, and is available to pre-order or save here:

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